Air Antimicrobial System for Buildings
Our system can provide reduced energy costs and carbon foot print as well as improved air quality for buildings and various facilities and can allow for a proactive measure of preventing the spread of infectious pathogens to all occupants 24/7.
Reduced Energy Costs
Our system can retrofit to the building's air handlers and deactivates bacteria forming micro-film reducing the dependence for manual cleaning and chemical usage.
Improved Air Quality
Our antimicrobial system can control airborne and surface pathogens throughout the entire building 24/7
Inactivates Bacteria
Can inactivate 99.9% of airborne and surface infectious bacteria and viruses allowing clean air to be delivered to all of the occupants of a building.
Outperforms Air Filtration Competitors
HEPA filters can filter larger (0.3 microns and above), micron-sized particles from the air (infectious spores can be less than 0.001 microns), these infectious particles can be trapped & can actually grow & multiply within HEPA filters.
Why Standard Air Filtration
High-efficiency particulate (HEPA) filtration can be used to filter particles down to only 0.3 microns, however infectious microorganisms can be less than 0.001 micron.
“HEPA filters can serve as a source for infections…surveillance of these HEPA filters should be established”
Higher Efficiency with Reduced Maintenence
On average a commercial buildings HVAC and related air system can consume 50% of the buildings total power usage. The efficiency of the HVAC system can be hampered by bio-film, that builds up on the cooling exchange fins, inhibiting the heat transfer and reducing airflow.
Our system can retrofit to the buildings air handlers and deactivates bacteria forming micro-film and reduces the dependence for manual cleaning and chemical usage. Infectious bacteria and viruses can be inactivated from HVAC components like coils, drain trays, filters, compressors, plenums and air ducts, maintaining equipment at their original performances, without using harmful toxins or requiring expensive maintenance.
The unit can retrofit to the air handlers of buildings
Hotel Room in Downtown Vancouver
HVAC systems can transport infectious microbes to occupied spaces of a building, our system can deactivate infectious pathogens within the HVAC system and occupied spaces of the building, providing an healthy indoor environment.
Our system can be installed in commercial buildings, hotels and casinos, healthcare facilities, schools, airports, aircraft, food production facilities and cruise lines.
The Science Behind It
Our Green Pure Air is plant-derived as a safe antimicrobial vapor, that can inactivate airborne & surface bacteria & viruses